18 Dic European Universities for EU projects: first results available!
Under the transnational initiative European Universities for the EU (EU4EU) designed by EuGen, 77 young students from Spain and Croatia are about to leave for Europe. Results for Spain and Results for Croatia are available!
They will refine their skills in writing and managing European projects focused on different fields, from research and training, environment and energy sources, to new media, business development, fundamental rights and migration.
47 organizations from 15 European countries are ready to welcome the trainees; among them are experienced companies, SMEs and Chamber of Commerce, Public Institutions and Local Authorities, NGOs and non-profit organisations.
All this is made possible thanks to the financing of the Erasmus+ national projects, coordinated by Campus Iberus and Udruga Informo, with the support of EuGen and EPA-European Projects Association. The initiative involves 21 universities from Spain and Croatia; starting from 2018 it will expand with new consortia in Italy and other European countries.